
Data collation and accuracy need attention to achieve an effective maintenance regime

Data collation and accuracy need attention to achieve an effective maintenance regime

Facility Management (FM) is seriously lagging in its maintenance data ...
Role-based leadership also matters! The leadership domain needs to expand beyond the CEO

Role-based leadership also matters! The leadership domain needs to expand beyond the CEO

Every business leader need not necessarily have their only ...
How values embodiment empowers relationships that are quintessential for business success

How values embodiment empowers relationships that are quintessential for business success

In our lives, how often do we get upset by the fallout of ...
Businessmen must map their risk leverage ability to ring-fence their unknowns

Businessmen must map their risk leverage ability to ring-fence their unknowns

The risk leverage ability in business is a factor to reckon with. ...
Organizational Culture Must Ensure Value Embodiment To Neutralize Any Fears

Organizational Culture Must Ensure Value Embodiment To Neutralize Any Fears

In the context of high-performance organizations, why is there a ...
Entrepreneurs must not worry about valuation as much about sustainability in business performance

Entrepreneurs must not worry about valuation as much about sustainability in business performance

Reaching a higher valuation is good for entrepreneurs, companies, ...